Do you like the state of your health today? Did you know that the health of your body is directly related to the health of your water? Our bodies being over 70% water need healthy, clean water to drink and bathe in. Wherever you live today, you’re being exposed to ever-increasing amounts of toxic chemicals. If you live in an urban area, it’s PFAs, radioactives, volatile organic compounds, heavy metals and more. If you live in a rural area, it’s radioactives, heavy metals, volatile organic compounds and more. We can’t escape their presence. What we can do is protect ourselves within our properties, our travels, etc.
According to the EWG (Environmental Working Group) in an article published on January 17, 2024, Hundreds of chemicals in everyday consumer products may increase breast cancer risk, and this is just one health area. Most people don’t realize the generations that have been affected by toxic water. The science behind this is called environmental epigenetics, and the studies go into how a mother’s affected genes by toxins can then be transferred to the next generation and so on and so forth. The definition of environmental epigenetics is: “Environmental epigenetics is a branch of epigenetics that studies the influence of external environmental factors on the gene expression of a developing embryo. The way that genes are expressed may be passed down from parent to offspring through epigenetic modifications, although environmental influences do not alter the genome itself.
During embryonic development, epigenetic modifications determine which genes are expressed, which in turn determines the embryo’s phenotype. When the offspring is still developing, genes can be turned on and off depending on exposure to certain environmental factors. While certain genes being turned on or off can increase the risk of developmental diseases or abnormal phenotypes, there is also the possibility that the phenotype will be non-functional. Environmental influence on epigenetics is highly variable, but certain environmental factors can greatly increase the risk of detrimental diseases being expressed at both early and adult life stages.
More than 900 chemicals found in cosmetics, drinking water, food and cleaning supplies used by millions of Americans every day may cause biological changes linked to risk of developing breast cancer, according to a new study published this month (government). The study, published in Environmental Health Perspectives, identified 921 commonly used chemicals that are linked to breast cancer risk. The paper identified chemicals that have been either linked to mammary gland tumors or increase certain hormonal activities that may result in forming tumors, or both. Go to this link to read the entire article:
Many of the 921 chemicals are also endocrine disruptors, which can harm reproduction and development of the nervous system. The study also found 92 percent of the chemicals can harm or change our DNA.
If you haven’t heard about PFAs in the news, again the EWG has been lobbying for many years on the dangers that exist in our country from these toxic chemicals. PFAS are called “forever chemicals” because they are among the most persistent toxic compounds in existence, contaminating everything from drinking water to food packaging and personal care products. They never break down in the environment, and build up in people. PFAS are toxic at very low levels and have been linked to serious health problems, including increased risk of cancer and harm to the reproductive and immune systems. As usual, our government loves to stall and thwart efforts by caring politicians to address these toxic chemicals that have been around for decades and obviously have already reeked havoc on our health and well being:
These reports seem to be a one-day big deal, and the next day they become old news with no real action.
For decades, chemical companies covered up evidence of PFAS’ health hazards. Today nearly all Americans, including newborn babies, have PFAS in their blood, and more than 200 million people may be drinking PFAS-tainted water. What began as a “miracle of modern chemistry” is now a national crisis. (read entire article here:
According to an article published by Web MD and medically reviewed, the following facts surround our exposure to forever chemicals known as PFAs:
PFAS from foods, water or drinks build up in your body and stay there for a long time. Some studies suggest that high levels of PFAS can lead to things like:
Some studies have tied PFAS chemicals to high blood pressure.
In a 2022 study, researchers checked blood samples from more than 1,000 middle-aged women of various races and ethnicities each year between 1999 and 2017. The women didn’t have high blood pressure at first.
By the end of the study, the researchers found that those with higher levels of PFAS in their blood were more likely to have high blood pressure than those with lower levels. The researchers say their findings suggest that the chemicals may play an “underappreciated” role in women’s risk for heart and blood vessel diseases. Other research suggests that high levels of PFAS may raise the odds for high blood pressure in pregnant women, also called preeclampsia. Also, a 2020 study of over 15,000 young adults (ages 20 to 39) in Italy linked exposure to PFAS through drinking water with increased blood pressure.
According to an article published by CNN on Januray 8, 2024, “Bottled water contains thousands of nanoplastics so small they can invade the body’s cells, study says”
“In a trailblazing new study, researchers have discovered bottled water sold in stores can contain 10 to 100 times more bits of plastic than previously estimated — nanoparticles so infinitesimally tiny they cannot be seen under a microscope.”
“One liter of water — the equivalent of two standard-size bottled waters — contained an average of 240,000 plastic particles from seven types of plastics, of which 90% were identified as nanoplastics and the rest were microplastics, according to the new study.”
Nanoplastics are the most worrisome type of plastic pollution for human health, experts say. That’s because the minuscule particles can invade individual cells and tissues in major organs, potentially interrupting cellular processes and depositing endocrine-disrupting chemicals such as bisphenols, phthalates, flame retardants, per- and polyfluorinated substances, or PFAS, and heavy metals.
“All of those chemicals are used in the manufacturing of plastic, so if a plastic makes its way into us, it’s carrying those chemicals with it. And because the temperature of the body is higher than the outside, those chemicals are going to migrate out of that plastic and end up in our body,” Mason explained.
“The chemicals can be carried to your liver and your kidney and your brain and even make their way across the placental boundary and end up in an unborn child,” Mason said.
Read the entire article here:
According to a recent article by the Children’s Health Defense, these microplastics play a big role in the annual $250 Billion Healthcare tab. Exposure to just four types of plastics costs the U.S. healthcare system nearly $250 billion according to a study in the Journal of Endocrine Society. The majority of adverse health effects involved the endocrine system, but investigators also found cancer, childhood development delays and IQ deficits.
Read about it in the article:
We all have choices in our lives. Those choices determine our health, our longevity and our future generations. Since water is so important for our wellbeing, shouldn’t we consume the healthiest water? Maybe the majority of Americans simply don’t know how toxic our water really is. And convenience for most has become the way of living. Picking up a one or two dollar bottle of water is just must easier, isn’t it? For those of us who are concerned about the environment and how toxic it has become, have embraced the simple system of water filtration as an inexpensive choice for their health. Water filtration doesn’t have to break your bank or be a hindrance to your lifestyle. A simple three-stage submicron water treatment system can address many of the toxins mentioned, and you can use this water for all your needs in the kitchen. When you use bottled water, you tend not to use this water for washing your produce, cooking, etc. When you use a refrigerator water filter, you won’t use it for all your needs. Many consumers think they are getting healthy water from a refrigerator filter, when it only takes out mainly chlorine and maybe a couple other chemicals, but for the most part you aren’t getting healthy water. If you address chemicals in the water coming into your home, you can reduce some of them, but not all. You need a point-of-use water treatment system for the majority of these toxins, especially if you have a compromised immune system or other serious health issues.
In conclusion the big box stores offer various systems to possibly address these contaminants, but you can support and rely on local businesses to deliver safe, effective water treatment. At WhiteWater Concepts, we have been delivering such systems for over 19 years. We are always conducting research to keep you, our valuable customers, informed for your health and well being.